Four exam next week. Pharm tomorrow, Bacti Wednesday, Parasit Thursday, Path Friday. I've been studying quite a bit and I am semi prepared for Path and Pharm... Parasit and Bacti will be interesting. At some point today I need to continue working on Bacti... but it is so dry and boring so far and it seems too simple. I can't wait for the week to be over... I plan on going out to KJ's parents' farm and playing with the ponies, running around with the dogs and drinking till I forget everything I've learned this week. It doesn't help that Mom sent me a care package of a wedding planner and wedding planner book and I can't wait to start reading them! We are also going to a take a little drive to a park that we are (possibly) interested in using for the ceremony and reception. There is a huge mansion on site and tons of gardens, which would be beautiful in October.
Until then, its memorizing drugs and parasites along with 10,000 other things while sitting in the library...
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5 months ago